process to actualize the establishment of Nigeria-Benin Joint Commission (NBJC)
akin to the Nigeria–Niger Joint Commission, Nigeria Cameroun Joint
Commission, Nigeria-Chad & Nigeria-Sao Tome & Principe Joint
Commissions has been on for sometimes now. The immense contributions of the
promoters towards the actualization of the joint commission by the Government
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Republic du Benin respectively have been
very commendable.
inaugural meeting for the establishment Chaired by His Excellency, Ambassador
Oguntuase Kayode was held at FAMS Embassy Suites, Ibereko, Badagry and
sponsored by Badagry Chamber of Commerce Industry Mines and Agriculture
(BACCIMA) has led to several other meetings in Abuja (with Officials of Nigeria
Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC), the Permanent Secretary Federal
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his officials), Chikanda and Cotonou with
members drawn from both countries.
the intervention of the promoters, the commission secured an office in Badagry,
Lagos State for easy coordination of its activities.
establishment, the Commission will improve trade ties between Nigeria and
Republic Du Benin to facilitate trade and the ease of doing business.
Additionally, it would accelerate economic growth and co-operation as was done
in the years past which led to the joint establishment of Onigolo Cement
Industry (now privatized) and the Sugar Company in Save by the Government of
Nigeria and Benin Republic. It is important to note, that socio-cultural
benefits of people living in both countries who have origins dating back before
15th Nov. 1884 and 26th Feb. 1885 Berlin Conference which partitioned Africa
will continue despite the Francophone and Anglophone divide and influence that
exist in both countries and their people.
discovery of Oil through OML 113 (OPL 309) (Aje Oil and Gas fields), being
operated by Folawiyo Oil in Benin-Basin offshore Badagry (40km west of Lagos)
has made Maritime, Oil and Gas collaboration compelling.
collaboration by both countries in the area of Security, elimination and if
possible, reduction of cross-border banditry, smuggling of all sorts including
radio-active materials, petroleum products, rice, ammunition etc.
gains and benefits of establishing Nigeria-Benin Joint Commission by both
countries would provide jobs to the teeming unemployed Nigerian Youth.
the Joint Commission when established, will enhance and deepen the existing
relations between Nigeria and Benin Republic